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Home > About Cornell > Student Life & Support Services > What clubs and organizations does Cornell have?
What clubs and organizations does Cornell have?
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Cornell has a long tradition of student involvement, and there are more than 1,000 student organizations on campus. Whatever a student's interest, they're likely to find a club, program, activity, or group devoted to it! 


Cornell is home to the most comprehensive outdoor education program in the country, as well as a large intramural sports program. There are many musical and cultural groups on campus, along with 60+ fraternities and sororities, and clubs focused on everything from microfinance to roller hockey. The Office of the Dean of Students is focused on the co-curricular experience, connecting students to a range of identity-based centers and resources that support and empower them. The Einhorn Center for Community Engagement connects students with opportunities and partnerships focused on building a more just, collaborative, and sustainable future. Annual Cornell traditions include Slope Day, a celebration of the last day of classes that takes place on Libe Slope, and Dragon Day, where an enormous dragon created by first-year Architecture students parades across campus. 

You can find more information about getting involved in campus life on our website. 

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