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Showing articles from transfer tag

How does CALS evaluate transfer applications?

We conduct a holistic admissions process for all applicants. During our review, we are considering whether candidates have the academic backgrounds (rigor, coursework and grades) to be successful at Cornell CALS; whether the personal attributes and extracurricular experiences shared demonstrate a solid connection with…

Does Cornell offer a fee waiver for veterans?

Cornell provides application fee waivers for veterans and current members of the military upon request. Please email [[email protected]][1] to request an application fee waiver. Note—do not pay the application fee if requesting a waiver, as the fee is non-refundable. [1]: mailto:veteranadmission@cornell…

What if I am missing one (or more) of the prerequisite courses listed for transfer by Cornell?

Transfer applicants whose current curriculum is most closely aligned with what is taught at Cornell are typically best-prepared for transfer, and are the most likely to be admitted (if they have performed well in the coursework). Missing coursework is handled on a case-by-case basis.

What is the Cornell Engineering transfer admissions review process?

The engineering transfer admissions process is holistic and highly selective. The review includes a two-tier process. Applications are first screened by the Engineering Admissions Office, and viable applications are then delivered to academic departments for full review by the faculty. The Engineering Admissions Offic…

What courses are required to apply for transfer admission into CALS?

To prepare for studying within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, each academic major has key foundation courses that competitive transfer candidates need to complete or have in progress at the time of their application. View the required coursework and other transfer resources on the [Transfer Applicant][1…

I’m not currently enrolled in a college or university. Do I still submit the Mid-Term Report?

The Mid-Term Report is required. Applicants not currently enrolled at a college or university should submit the required Mid-Term Report with a note explaining that they are not currently enrolled. The Mid-Term Report should be emailed to: [[email protected]][1]. For more information, see the [How to Apply: Tra…

Does Cornell have articulation agreements with any two-year colleges?

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) has developed articulation agreements with two-year colleges. Generally speaking, the agreements outline what transfer students need to do in order to prepare for transfer to Cornell. This includes the types of courses that prospective students should complete, grade…

What should I know if I am considering transferring from another institution to the College of Arts and Sciences?

In order to be competitive in the application process, transfer students interested in the College of Arts & Sciences should take a broad and challenging liberal arts and sciences curriculum at their current college or university. This includes, but is not limited to: writing, foreign languages, natural sciences, soci…

When are transfer admission decisions released?

Transfer admissions decisions are released on a rolling basis beginning in April for Fall candidates. For more information, see our [How to Apply][1] page. [1]:

I left high school early and enrolled in an early college program. Will Cornell take those credits?

An applicant may apply to Cornell as a transfer student if they have graduated from high school or received a GED, **and** have earned twelve or more credits at another college or university since then. Typically, this means that credits earned in an early college program will count only toward the student's high scho…

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