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Home > Admissions > Application Process & Requirements > What are the possible decision outcomes for an Early Decision applicant?
What are the possible decision outcomes for an Early Decision applicant?
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Early Decision applicants receive admission decisions through their Applicant Portal in mid-December. There are three possible outcomes for these applications:


  1. You're offered admission: Because Early Decision is binding, you should withdraw any applications submitted to other colleges and universities and confirm your enrollment at Cornell by January 16. If you've applied for financial aid, we anticipate that preliminary aid offers will be available shortly after admission decisions are released.
  2. Your application is postponed to Regular Decision: In this case, you're not receiving a final decision from Cornell at this time. Your application will be reviewed as part of Regular Decision, and you'll receive a decision in late March. This also means that you are no longer subject to the Early Decision agreement and should apply to additional colleges and universities.
  3. You are not offered admission: This decision is final, and your application will not be reconsidered as part of Regular Decision. We're confident you'll find your place at another outstanding college or university, and we wish you well in your collegiate endeavors.
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